May 30, 2023Liked by Yizz The Eunuch

I hear you and also have a very similar life conundrum. However, being self aware is the filter we need to keep a check, measure, and create the balance that has to be struck .

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Agreed. I'm not black-pilled about the long future, just consternated by the convergence of bullshit in the last 20 years of my life. Doing the best I can to be a good person and promote what's right now though.

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Yizz The Eunuch

It is disgusting to discover that your own kin are cowards. In a way, it is worse than if they were antiwhites. I've had to face the same harsh reality as you, yizz, and I would be completely alone if it weren't for you and our community. Thank you.

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I absolutely understand the sentiment, right back at you friend. Keep heart, we're not alone.

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Yizz The Eunuch

Thanks for sharing a very personal story. For many people the problem seems so big and overwhelming they think it’s pointless and a waste of time to do something. They are certain they will be ineffective so they tune out and take the blue pill. The key I think is to plant seeds in fertile ground, knowing that most people’s heads are not fertile ground but some will be. You are very good at what you do and are making a difference. I wish you all the best.

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Thank you Steve, I appreciate that. I'm going to keep doing the best I can with what little time and energy I have left, and I pray that as I get older things will get healthier for me in my private life.

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May 31, 2023Liked by Yizz The Eunuch

It helps to base your happiness on what never changes. Enjoying people can be great, but ultimately God is the only one that's always there for you in the end.

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I hear that, and I do practice Christianity. I pray regularly, I read the Bible some, I converse with Christians who are true believers, and I spend time among Christian fellowship via my mother, but it doesn't help much since I can't have faith and am not a true believer. I wish I could be, but I can't.

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Jun 3, 2023Liked by Yizz The Eunuch

It's helped me to see God as consciousness itself. He's always there- if he wasn't, we wouldn't know it anyway.

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Feb 8·edited Feb 8Liked by Yizz The Eunuch

Thank you so much, bruder

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I feel just the same. It’s tough. We must find a way through though, as giving into despair makes them win. I find creativity - writing and cooking - helps a lot. Gardening on my balcony helped during the summer. Just got to keep trying… that’s heroic too.

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Indeed. Just keeping heart and not giving up is a victory these days.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Yizz The Eunuch

Another powerful post Yizz.

I'm sure many mirror your feelings, I certainly do. It's unlikely we'll experience any 'Glory', we stand at the very beginning of this fight for our people and it's a thankless task, aside from the encouragement gotten within our small community.

I believe we will suffer heartache and much conflict especially within ourselves.

I compensate for this often dire outlook by acknowledging that our efforts will be rewarded when those who come after us will be saved at least some of the strife we endure.

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I didn't notice this comment until today, or I would've responded! I appreciate the sentiment friend, it's a good one. I am well-aware we are planting seeds for trees we'll never know the shade of, but it's worth it. We have no heroes left, we have to be the heroes of our time or our folk will have no future. KIP

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Yizz The Eunuch

This is a problem l suffer from almost identically. I find the the only way to live in this situation is to be both the hero and anti hero. My loved ones know l am both of these things and accept it. To maintain it is hard, there is overlap so l guess this is what makes it possible. Part of me is a ruthless pragmatist while the other part is compassionate and tolerant (to a degree) but this part of me is reserved for the few close to me such as my partner and children.

I basically cannot bend to anything l believe is anti white or government subversion, vaccines, communism etc. I see it everywhere and it cost me my job but l did not cave in to go along to get along. I could not look in the mirror at myself if l give an inch to the regimes narrative. I do rejoice when l find corners of the world where that cancer is virtually non existent and gravitate towards these people and places. They give me strength. This is why l uprooted my self to move halfway around the world to a homogeneous, traditional place. I feel like it's a lost home rediscovered. Here l can maintain the balance of hero and anti hero and find a certain happiness and still stand and fight.

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I'm glad you found a better place! Also, I'm glad I moved back to a better place after years of failure elsewhere. I'm doing the best I can to fuse the two together it's just hard for me. I do what I can to make a difference while also trying to influence those close to me to be active.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Yizz The Eunuch

In all honesty, l believe at this point in time , that is all we can do for now. Living somewhere that energizes your will to endure is a key element though.

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May 5·edited May 5Liked by Yizz The Eunuch

Many such cases.

This is certainly a helpful way to frame it. If only we were enabled a means of making a substantial, material difference, that we might satiate our heroic soul, I'm sure we'd sign up in a heartbeat. The work you do surely is an outlet. I've yet to find my own, but thank you for this bit of solidarity.

At some point one or another of us will break through and be able to offer the rest an opportunity or means of action. Until then we work towards that and persevere.

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Indeed. And yes we must do what we can even if it hurts or is uncomfortable, because our ancestors did the same to provide us the lives we've enjoyed. Times are getting hard and will get worse, we have to be willing to do what's necessary for the well-being of our people (as well as what's morally correct in general).

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Hi one question since you are not brainwashed by propaganda, my sister says she has pocd but I don't know how real of a condition that is, what are your thoughts

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Sorry friend, I don't know what 'pocd' is and wouldn't know what to say

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Hi one question my sister says she has condition called pocd how much do you think is that real and what can I do to change her

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I don't know what 'pocd' is so I can't opine on it, sorry.

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